
Palatal Arch

Adilson Luiz RAMOS, Maurício Tatsuei SAKIMA, Ary dos Santos PINTO, Lídia Parsekian MARTINS, Dirceu B. RAVELI

The palatal arch have been used in many clinical situations. Its due to their easier confecction, tridimensional control possibility and varity mecanical options. This article presents the most frequent application of that appliance. The possibility of rotation, expansion, torsion, distalization, anchorage an intrusion are coments and illustrated. Furthermore, the moments gerated with some ativations are discussed.

Keywords: Palatal arch. Molar rotation. Distalization. Expansion. Instrusion. Anchorage. Torsion. Orthodontic Appliance. Accidents.

Friday, May 03, 2024 19:34