

Comparative study of three electronic apex locators in the determination of working length

Michele Bolan, Fernanda Lebarbenchon Moura Costa, Jéssica Copetti Barasuol, Gabriela Santos Felippe, Mara Cristina Santos Felippe, Wilson Tadeu Felippe

Forame apical. Endodontia. Canal radicular. Ápice dentário.

Keywords: Forame apical. Endodontia. Canal radicular. Ápice dentário.

How to cite: Bolan M, Costa FLM, Barasuol JC, Felippe GS, Felippe MCS, Felippe WT. Comparative study of three electronic apex locators in the determination of working length. Dental Press Endod. 2018 May-Aug;8(2):42-6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14436/2358-2545.8.2.042-046.oar

Friday, September 20, 2024 02:22