
Three dimensional airway analysis after orthognathic surgery: pilot study

Rodrigo Marinho Falcão Batista, Joaquim Celestino da Silva Neto, José Romero Souto de Sousa Júnior

Objective: To evaluate three-dimensional changes in the airway after orthognathic surgery. Methods: Retrospective descriptive study in patients with dentofacial deformities, who underwent orthognathic surgery from May 2014 to November 2014. This study obtained data from nine (n=9) patients with Class III facial pattern, and described the volumetric changes through CT scans analyzed by the Dolphin Imaging® software. These CT scans were obtained at two different times. The used surgical procedures followed the surgical protocol for treatment of dentofacial deformities at Hospital Getúlio Vargas (Recife/ PE, Brazil). Results: There was a decrease in volumetric measurements in the post-operative (T1) period for the regions of nasopharynx, hypopharynx and in total airway. Also it was noted a small increase in volume in for oropharynx, however for the used margin of error (5.0%), it was not observed any significant difference between the ratings for any of the variables. Conclusion: The airways volumes are directly influenced by the movements made by orthognathic surgery. These movements may lead to an increase or decrease in these volumes. It was observed an increase in volumetric average in the middle portion of the airway. For superior, lower and total airway volumes, there was a decrease in mean values.

Keywords: Orthognathic surgery. Sleep apnea, obstructive. Dentofacial deformities.

How to cite: Batista RMF, Silva Neto JC, Sousa Júnior JRS. Three-dimensional airway analysis after orthognathic surgery: pilot study. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018 May-Aug;4(2):25-31. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.4.2.025-031.oar

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 21:43