Gustavo Henrique Delgado Domingues, Ana Luisa Botta Martins de Oliveira, Silmara Aparecida Milori Corona, Rafael Pino Vitti, Renata Siqueira Scatolin
Introduction: Tooth bleaching is a procedure very requested in dental offices, stimulating constant research for new products and technologies. This study aimed to evaluated in vitro the color change of tooth enamel bleached with violet LED associated or not with hydrogen peroxide gel. Methods: 48 fragments of bovine teeth (n=12), were sectioned (5x5x3 mm), flattened, and polished. The specimens were stained in 20ml of coffee, which was replaced every 24h for 7 days. The experimental groups were divided as follows: V-LED - Bleached with violet LED; HP - Bleached with 35% hydrogen peroxide (positive control); HP + V-LED - Bleached with 35% hydrogen peroxide + violet LED; and C - Not bleached (placebo gel) (negative control). The outcome variable was the analysis of color change, which was performed with a colorimetry spectrophotometer. Each specimen was read three times: 1. Before starting the immersion in staining solutions (baseline); 2. After coffee staining; and 3. After the treatments. The data were tabulated and analyzed statistically with analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) and Tukey’s test (α=0.05). Results: The ΔE values showed significant difference between groups. HP + V-LED showed higher values of color change and C group lower. V-LED and HP were statistically similar to HP + V-LED and C. Conclusion: Bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide and violet LED might cause clinically visible color changes, regardless of the association of treatments, and the association of treatments enhances the effectiveness of the bleaching treatment
Keywords: Dental Esthetic. Hydrogen peroxide. Tooth bleaching.
How to cite: Domingues GHD, Oliveira ALBM, Corona SAM, Vitti RP, Scatolin RS. In vitro study on the color change of tooth enamel bleached with violet LED. J Clin Dent Res. 2020 May-Aug;17(2):54-65.
Saturday, February 15, 2025 04:35